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Google Adsense

Making Money

With Google Adsense

By Rusty Ford.

If you have a web site that has traffic you will make money with Adsense

How I started making money with Google Adsense

I have been using Google Adsense almost as long as it has been out. I looked at it when Google first premiered the Adsense program. At the time I had seen so many affiliate programs that were worthless (basically I feel all affiliate programs are worthless) I was hesitant to try it. All I needed was another program to clutter up my site and not make money. After a couple of months I read something again about the Adsense program and thought I would try it on one of my smaller sites. So I put up one set of Adsense ads on the top shared border so that it appeared on every page of the site. About 5 hours later I checked and had already made 10 dollars. I was so encouraged by the results that by evening I had it on all three of my web sites.

How much money can you make with Google Adsense?

Now this is a difficult question. Google frowns on people sharing the specifics of what the make. But I make a full time living off of the three sites now. If you have a website and get traffic to the site you will make money with Google Adsense. How much money you can make depends on several factors. I will list out the considerations then give a brief explanation of each.

The subject and content of your website The popularity of your website. The size and usability of you website.

The amount of money you make for each time someone clicks a link on your website depends on how much money people are bidding for that term. A lawyer who is looking for clients in a lawsuit may pay several dollars a click looking for clients. A website about bowling will have appropriate adds on it but the profit the advertisers can make limits how much they are willing to make per click and may only pay 5 to 10 cents a click. So it is obvious that since you get paid a percentage of what Google makes per click then there is going to be a big difference in what site makes per click than another. Does this mean that you should abandon your current website to go after another? No, I think it is better to go with what you have a passion. Everyone and their brother are going after the big keywords. I have made allot of money writing web pages about what I have a passion about.

Obviously the more people who visit your site the more money you make with Google Adsense. The more people who visit your site the more that see the ads. This is one of the reasons not to drop your existing site for a site about some legal issue. One of the popular terms that pays extremely well is Mesothelioma. This is rare form of cancer that is usually caused by asbestos. While each click pays well not many people are looking for this information. So which is better a site that gets 10 visitors a day and a click every couple of days that pays a dollar or two or a site with 1000 visitors a day with 40 clicks for 10 cents each.

They say that size does not matter. When it comes to making money with Google Adsense it does. The more content on your site the more money you make. This works two ways. The more content pages on you site the more different pages people can find when search for the information you offer. Then if your site is well planned so that it is easy for them to find all the information on your site then 1000 visitors can translate into 10,000 page views. There is only so much content you can add about a subject like Mesothelioma. Also consider that thousands of people are making sites about the hottest paying search terms. There is a lot of competition for these terms.

I have a friend who, when he found out how much money I was making with Adsense, decided he wanted to get in on the action. After talking about it he decided to go with his passion of fishing. He is a Salmon and Steelhead fisherman so he made a page about the rivers in his area. He included maps, favorite-fishing spots, catch reports and other pertinent information about fishing these rivers. He has had a blast making the web site because it is an extension of his hobby and makes plenty of money from it to support his fishing habit.

I was blessed in that when Google first started Adsense I already had two large web sites that got a reasonable amount of traffic. I made over 300 dollars my first month. With Google Adsense you get paid at the end of the month. You do not get paid until you reach 50 dollars. If you do not make 50 dollars in a month the money stays in your account until you do. Most people can not expect $50 a month plus when they first start. I have spent the last two plus years adding content and increasing my income. If you have a brand new website it will take a couple of months to start seeing it show up in search engines and beginning to see traffic. But the nice thing is that once you start making money with Google Adsense then with every page you build you are working to increase your income. I love it, now if I want to take a week off I make the same money as I do when I work. I am not working to keep an income. My income comes automatically. I am working to increase it every time I add content to my site.

So I wish you a very profitable future with your website. If you do not already have an Adsense account I invite you to go to the section of my web site that is about making money with Adsense and clicking the blue link an the left side of the page. It will take to Google's Adsense sign up page.

There is also allot of articles in this section that will help you build and promote your site.

About the Author

Rusty Ford - Editor http://arthritis-symptom.com/

Article Source: http://www.goarticles.com

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